Neos Award 2021 Winners
Sitegeist deservedly wins the Neos Gold award for an outstanding project that had obviously received a lot of care in every detail. With Sitegeist.Bitzer it made some valuable Open Source packages possible to better manage the content lifecycle of Neos. Sitegeist helped with implementing an online store for protective goods within a very short period of time to help battle the pandemic which showed their dedication towards the project. With a rather minimalistic design, a great deal of attention was given to accessibility and clarity. The website brings many features like a physician finder and the mentioned event sourced online store - fully based on Neos for the Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Hamburg.
The Silver Award goes to avency for not only a visual masterpiece, but an e-commerce solution for a very individual product. Vouchers can be designed individually in Neos by the editor and then bought and downloaded as PDF (seriously working with PDF files in PHP deserves respect all by itself). As the name already states, Picture People is about vouchers for professional photographers or photo studios in Germany, Austria and the Netherlands. They just recently published a case study on for this project.
This is not the first Neos project for Jung von Matt Tech in Switzerland, but the first and deserved Neos Award. With Swiss Skills they laid the foundation for a 3-day online-event for young job starters in Switzerland. They had more than 10.000 visitors only in those three days. It’s beautifully designed and crafted and enables editors to nicely work with that design. It shows real people and real statements for real professions - to give youngsters a realistic vision on what to expect in their aspired careers.
Neos Award 2021 Nominees
Dedication Award 2021 Winners
Sebastian Helzle, one of the most productive sources for clever and unique Neos packages by trade, built a command line interface for EEL within the Neos UI. With the Neos Terminal you can debug EEL queries right in the backend, locate hard to find errors and speed up your development. His latest Neos package targets Neos developers and he provides the community with a great and very useful tool which can be used either within the Neos backend or the browser console. Thank you Sebastian for your dedication.
This award is truly special because BetterEmbed brings communities together. Nico Grienauer from the Drupal Community originated the plugin “BetterEmbed” - which enables editors to embed remote third party content like Youtube videos, tweets and much more in a GDPR compliant way. It protects your visitors and ensures their privacy is respected and none of their personal data is transferred to third party platforms without them having given their consent. If you want to embed remote content - give it a try!
LoginAs provides a seemingly small but very useful feature: Impersonation. For every administrator of a larger Neos setup, helping editors with their everyday problems can be difficult. With the impersonation feature provided by LoginAs, you can log in in the name of a given editor and view the backend as they do. This allows you to spot issues with their workspace or lets you guide them in the right direction. A very deserved award for a very dedicated Neos Core Team Member.
Dedication Award 2021 Nominees
Soon you will find all projects as case studies on, including all videos the nominees sent in. Thank you for all your amazing submissions.
Please add some videos in the inspector. At least one .mp4
is required.
Award Categories:
Dedication/Impact Award:
This category is all about: “Do things that others don’t”. The Award category does not follow a specific set of markers and is purely based on the submission we get. The jury will evaluate winners based on terms like sustainability, innovation, society/community impact or spirit. Those terms apply to the project or the company or agency.
Just to be clear, those categories could shift based on the submissions we get! This category is all about dedication regardless of budget, performance or any other traditional award markers. It is about spirit and “doing things, that others don’t”
- Dedication stands for our very valuable contributors within the community and for those who push Neos CMS forward.
- Impact is all about the greater good for all of us. It's about environmental, social or technical impact within our society.
Neos Award
The Neos Award will be independent from the Impact Award and is based on the following performance markers:
- Performance/SEO
- UX for editors
- UI/UX for users
- Technical Stack
- Extensibility (Packages and UI Plugins)
- Community Contribution
- Boost (impact for Neos CMS brand)
All of those markers will be assessed with 1-5 points to evaluate the Gold, Silver and Bronze winners.
All the best,
The NeosCon Team
Neos Award Jury 2021

Sreyleak Helzle
is the webmaster at Bruker BioSpin MRI and has worked with a lot of CMS like Adobe EM, TYPO3, and Neos. She is involved in managing the development, testing and releases for the Bruker website. As both editor and end-user, she believes in simplicity and user experience. Also, she was excited when hearing that she can be part of the Neos Award jury and to see those exciting projects that will be submitted.

Meike Jung
is an information architect, consultant, and project manager for web applications with her label hexabinær. FOSS-educated by the Drupal community, she became a founding member of CMS Garden, a cross-CMS promotion project with the key message: "No CMS is simply the best. Any CMS can only be the best suitable for your requirements." Meike is passionate about usability, accessibility, and contributions.

Yanick Witschi
is a member of the Contao Open Source CMS core developer team. Even if you are using Neos CMS exclusively, you might still have used some of his code. If not via Symfony components then definitely while using Composer 2.0. He loves cooking, his guitar, basketball, tennis, politics, the African continent and astrophysics.

Stefan Regniet
has been around and about the Neos community since its beginnings. He walks in between tech, marketing, agile and strategy and works in the Neos Core team for the marketing guild. His interests are cooking, writing, drawing, hiking and parenting.

David Spiola
is Neos CMS team member who always strives to find the best solution for the task at hand. He would love to work according to the concept of the common good economy by creating value through appreciation.

Neos Award Host: Lisa Günther
became a Neos CMS team member in 2017 after she organized the first Neos Conference. Since then the "Hamburger Deern" who enjoys travel, music and people, is part of the Conference Team and mostly responsible for keeping the numbers and all participants happy with her spirit and organizational skills.
Neos Award 2020 Winners
Louis is the biggest motorcycle clothing and accessories company in Europe. It demands not good, but perfect workflows in every way to deliver high performance to sell their goods even at peak times in a multi-market environment. Neos CMS and Sandstorm Media provided a two-stack architecture with a rock-solid dimensions strategy to reuse content in various markets. Also, third-party services are nicely integrated to translate content efficiently and find stores near you. Content and commerce at its best!
Finding the right product can be challenging, but not with Schock. Customers are guided intuitively to find the perfect product that matches their personal style. Ordering samples and finding distributors near you is as simple as downloading your personal configuration as a PDF. Editors are supported nicely with a product information import and a solid workspace concept.
Eldora convinced the jury with an innovative multi-channel approach for restaurants. The all-in-one Neos solution covers menu planning, order management, and marketing distribution via web, app, print, and Digital Signage based on a visibility matrix. The multi-tenant solution is handling +100k orders and is an excellent “Content Application Platform” example.
We award the THW App for a positive impact within our society. It has a huge variety of functionality (management of equipment and vehicles and notifications when and what needs to be done for its maintenance, member and contact management, calendar synchronization - depending on member rights, management of events and automatic e-mail notifications as well as participation management ). And it efficiently solves some organizational challenges within the aid organization and thus saves the volunteers a lot of time that they could use otherwise better. Because of that and the fact it's implemented in free time it fits perfectly for this social award.
We are honoring the Yoast SEO for Neos Package with a Dedication Award for valuable contributors within the community - and Sebastian Helzle is truly dedicated to push Neos forward. First of all, it shows how the Neos UI can be extended in various ways to bring additional information to the editors which showcases the advantage of the Neos UI and its combination of inline editing and side-by-side information system. Also the Neos community benefits from the Yoast SEO Package for Neos, since findability in search engines is a frequent requirement for websites and is therefore a widely used package (more than 10,000 downloads). Furthermore, Yoast-SEO is a well-known brand and this package is the official plugin for NEOS and is featured on the Yoast website.
The project Ökokiste shows how Neos can be used to enable quick and easy customizable websites to small businesses at an affordable price. The focus during implementation was on the user experience of the customers, who can now concentrate on their core business, the production of organic products, instead of some technical implementation of their website. This supports small organic farmers that are important for a more sustainable lifestyle and shows how technical/programming skills can be utilize to make a positive change to the environment. That's why we award this project with an impact award for environmental, sustainable and social impact in our society.