Welcome to Neos Con 2025 - an all inklusive Experience!
In 2024, we were able to experience for the first time what it feels like to have everything in one place: the conference location and the hotel. It was absolutely fantastic!
That's why we'll be back at the Genohotel in 2025 and are delighted to offer you the following all-inclusive package again:
You can book the hotel rooms directly through us, and stay right at the conference location. This way, you can hang around more than 72 hours with your favourite Neos friends (if you don't need any sleep).
The awesome NeosCon party will this time feature a great vegetarian dinner - all included.
Pre-Conference Warm-Up

Social Event PAAARTY

Get your ticket today
The Neos Con tickets are for sale at only 505€, and also include hotel prices. Get them while they still last.
We would not be here, without the contribution of so many people around the world, as well as Neos Conference would not be such a success without the sponsoring of multiple great companies!
We're really grateful for all the trust and support our partners shared with us.
Want to support Neos Conference?
Neos Conference is organized by
Neos Conference Code of Conduct
All Neos Conference participants, speakers, sponsors and volunteers are required to comply with this Code of Conduct. The organisers will enforce it throughout the event. We expect everyone involved to work together to help ensure a safe environment for all.
Why Neos Conference?
Neos Con - Reaching beyond yourself
Neos Conference is on a mission to inspire people by demonstrating cutting edge technology, encourage everybody to think “out-of-the-box”, and connecting technological entrepreneurs with enthusiasts. Therefore the conference is for developers, technical leads, CTOs, and everyone who’s willing to learn something new and wants to challenge the status quo!
All talks impart sophisticated technology-knowledge about modern concepts, methods and not your average step-by-step online-tutorial to the audience. Neos Con is about the “why” and not about the “what”, it’s about understanding the bigger picture and not the 21st 3-step-manual, it’s about learning something new and sharing knowledge with each other, it’s about growing beyond yourself, it’s about getting inspired, and last but not least, it’s about having fun together.
About 60% of the talks will be about Neos & Flow - obviously, it’s the Neos Con ;-) In addition, 40% are not-Neos-related topics and add deep insights about technology, testing and sustainability for example.
What is Neos Con?
Neos Con is the two-day and two-tracks event where developers and technology meet. Taking place in Karlsruhe this year with 200+ attendees each in a welcoming, familiar and friendly atmosphere.
Neos Con features high class speakers and deep-dive tech and developer talks.
How was Neos Con 2024?